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Our Journey

Ascension Lutheran Church of Pratt was formed when a dedicated group of approximately 30 individuals started attending the Ascension Lutheran Church of Wichita. For two years we took the drive to Wichita on Sundays and Wednesdays for church and midweek. Rev. Dr. Michael Bingenheimer and Rev. Scott Goltl of Ascension saw the commitment and need for services in our community and came to Pratt on Sunday evenings to lead worship once a month.  Our group continued to grow and as we reached 60 they came twice a month to preach and join in fellowship at the Pratt Area 4-H Center, and then at the All Saints Episcopal Church!

After many prayers and a lot of hard work, 2017 was a big year for our congregation. We called Rev. Dan Chrismer to lead us on this mission of God, and we became an official congregation of LCMS. We moved from the Episcopal Church to The Barron Theater in Pratt, and in 2019, we

moved to our permanent church home at 502 East Second Street. Rev. Chrismer served this congregation until 2021, and we are grateful to Rev. Tom  Harmon and Rev. Nick Cordt for leading us during the time of vacancy and transition.

Pastor Matthew Schultz was installed to lead and shepherd our mission plant church beginning with his installation on July 17, 2022. Welcome, Pastor Schultz!

Rev. Matthew Schultz was installed as pastor of Ascension — Pratt on July 17, 2022.
The worship service was held
at Pratt Community College.
From left: President Justin Panzer,
Pastors Nick Cordt, Tom Harmon,
Matthew Schultz, Dennis Fangmeyer,
Chet Scherbarth, Cliff Winter,
and Scott Goltl.

Pastor Matthew Installation.jpg
The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need.  He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.  He gives me new strength.  He guides me in the right paths, as he has promised.  Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, Lord, for you are with me.  Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me.  - PSALM 23
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